Meet the mermaid behind the lens.

Hi guys!
It's Katie Doyle here. I am the photog behind Mermaid & Me Photo.
A little back story behind my brand & journey.
Growing up in South Florida, I have been immersed in the salt water lifestyle since I can remember. I grew up surfing, diving, spending every weekend at the beach or on a boat! Fast forward to 2019 and here I am, still spending as much time physically possible around or under the water. Although, now I have an almost 3 year old mini mermaid who tags along with me.
I spent about two years working aboard a yacht. Traveling to the Bahamas and up the east coast of the United States before I met my now husband and we were blessed with our daughter. While my travels may have been cut short, my journey in life was just beginning. I shortly after decided to try my hand at photography. Mostly starting out with my daughter, venturing off into bikini, family and eventually weddings. It is truly something I can learn from everyday.
Follow along as I share my work, ins and outs of motherhood, monthly features of artist and creatives, as well as my lifelong connection with the ocean.
Xo Katie